Corporate Information



Humans have prevailed in the battle with most other species, including bacteria and viruses. The target of medical treatment has changed to systemic diseases that occur without provocation, such as cancers and degenerative diseases.

As an ophthalmologist, when I examine patients with incurable diseases, I always hope to relieve their suffering, but often have a sense of helplessness. One day, Dr. Yoshimura, a professor in the department of ophthalmology at Kyoto University, challenged me to start a bio-venture company. I founded KDDD (Kyoto Drug Discovery & Development Co., Ltd.), which remains affiliated and collaborates with Kyoto University.

KDDD develops KUSs (Kyoto University Substances). The first inventor of a product is Dr. Kakizuka, professor in the graduate school of biostudies at Kyoto University; the second inventor is Dr. Ikeda, associate professor at Kyoto University Hospital. KUSs are novel compounds that improve ATP consumption by inhibiting the ATPase of VCP and protect cells from a lot of kind of damages, such as degeneration and ischemic damage. In animal models, KUSs have neuroprotective effects for chronic degenerative diseases such as retinitis pigmentosa and glaucoma. Our mission is to develop KUSs for treatment of patients with incurable eye disease. As KUSs have a unique mechanism, they may also provide strong cell-protective effects in other diseases.

Our Mission

- strong passion to develop and make drugs available for incurable diseases
- strong social responsibility
- gratitude to society, academia, and the medical field

We promise a sincere commitment to global health.

Our mission is to supply effective drugs for current and future patients with incurable diseases.

代表取締役 武蔵国弘


We at Kyoto Drug Discovery & Development Co., Ltd. discover innovative bio-seeds from fundamental research throughout the world, We conduct drug discovery and development and contribute to the development of treatments for incurable diseases with a focus on ophthalmology.
We are dedicated to bringing smiles to patients around the world.


Corporate name Kyoto Drug Discovery & Development Co., Ltd.
Head Office 8F , DP Square Sakaisuji Honmachi 1-6-9 , Awaji-Machi , Chuo-ku , Osaka , 541-0047 JAPAN
Labo #302, Saito Bio Hills Center 7-7-18,Saitoasagi,Ibaraki-city,Osaka,567-0085 JAPAN
President & CEO Sakae Muto
Subsidiary KDDD Inc.
Major Business Activities Research and Development of Drug, Diagnostic Drug, Human Cell Therapy and Gene therapy Products, Medical Equipment, Medical Instruments, Reagent and Medical Supplies
Establishment May 15th. 2015
Account Closing Month April
Capital 69.6 million yen(as of April 30, 2022)
Our Bank Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Toji Branch Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, Kyoto Branch


February 17th, 2022

Lab moves into Saito Bio Hills Center

July 15th, 2021

Headquarters moves into Chuo-ku, Osaka

August 1st, 2017

Labo was established in a building in Kyoto University

September 27th, 2016

Headquarters moves into a building in Kyoto University

March 30th, 2016

License Agreement with Kyoto University

May 15th, 2015



CEO Sakae Muto
CMO Kunihiro Musashi
M.D. Ph.D.
CTO Masaki Okamoto
Director Nobuhiro Yagi
Auditor Shinichi Kotani

about kus

KUSs, Kyoto University Substances, are valosin-containing protein (VCP) modulators. They ameliorated abnormally low ATP levels by inhibiting the ATPase of VCP, thereby protected cells from degeneration and death. Several reports were provided that KUSs have neuroprotective effects that protect retinal nerve fibers and retinal ganglion cells on animal models. The facts may contribute to deterioration restraint of glaucoma. Glaucoma is a leading cause of vision loss worldwide. Lowering intraocular pressure by drugs and/or surgery is the only evidence-based treatment of glaucoma. We believe that KUSs will be able to provide convenient novel therapeutics for neuroprotection in incurable eye diseases such as glaucoma. KUSs may also provide novel strategy for cell protection in other areas.